Weddell Seals Weddells can dive in excess of 1,000 feet (300 meters) in search of food

One of the more commonly sighted seals, Weddells often are found in groups. Some of these groups contain several hundred seals, although this typically occurs during their breeding season (September to November). During this time, males engage in numerous territorial battles. Unlike other species, these seals prefer to lie on snow and ice even when open land or rock is available. This trait, along with their desire to avoid Orcas, is one of the primary reasons Weddells are found on inland fast ice around the continent. During the winter months, Weddells must maintain diving/breathing holes in the ice in order to feed. Feeding primarily on fish, Weddells can dive in excess of 1,000 feet (300 meters) in search of food. To make these long dives possible, they carry five time the amount of oxygen in their blood as human do. To get the most from this, Weddells slow their heart rate and limit blood circulation to vital organs such as the brain, kidneys, and liver.